Past Quotes (mm-dd-yy)
"only dead fish go with the flow." 09/29/23
"bad choices make good stories." 09/30/23
"it takes 37 muscles to frown but zero to shut up." 10/02/23
"you have to do lame things to do lamer." 10/03/23
"everything is impossible, don't try." 11/17/23
"santa is always watching you." 11/25/23
"don't blow up your house with christmas lights." 12/04/23
"christmas responsibly." 12/09/23
"if you hear loud chimney noises, it's santa." 12/23/23
"merry chrysler." 12/24/23
"make a good new year's resolution." 01/01/24
"if you're bored, play roblox." 01/28/24
"insert text here." 02/03/24
"among us is sus." 02/11/24
"love." 02/14/24
"being cool is cool." 02/15/24
"food tastes good." 02/21/24
"make friends." 02/22/24
"if you make mistakes, you won't anymore." 02/25/24
"time is changing soon." 03/01/24
"no more getting dark at 5:30." 03/16/24
"april showers bring more showers in may." 03/27/24
"i guess april showers are a thing." 04/02/24
"it's too hot outside." 04/10/24
"summer should come already." 04/17/24
"it's gonna be may." 05/18/24
"why is it so fricken hot." 06/04/24
"yum." 06/21/24
"don't ever take advice from a crackhead." 07/27/24
"putting random crap on your computer is not okay." 09/30/24